Monday, June 19, 2006

Good news for the end of the school year

7th grade has been a difficult year for P. The academic requirements really ramped up this year from last year with probably twice the amount of homework each night. In addition to the workload, this was his prepare for Bar mitzvah year, with extra lessons with the Cantor, meetings with the Rabbi. Add to that the confusing mix of pre-teen hormones and the social minefield that is middle school, and it adds up to a lot for one young man to deal with.

There have been both high and low points to the year. Some highs: He connected right away with 2 of his 4 main subject teachers, finding a love of social studies (ancient civilizations this year) and math. He also learned and implemented some wonderful organizational skills around homework and planning. And as a 7th grader, had one of the secondary leads in the 7th/8th grade production of Shakespeare's "A Winter's Tale."

Some lows: Subtle and persistent teasing and social isolation. And although he was nominated to become a peer mediator for 8th grade, he wasn't selected. That was a huge disappointment to him and to me. I thought P. would be a wonderful mediator.

Today, P. came home jubillant--the happiest I have seen him in quite some time.

Tryouts for "As you like it" (Shakespeare) were last week. Callbacks were friday. P. was called back for readings of two of the main characters.

This morning, he found out he will be playing Orlando, one of the male leads in next fall's production.

I am so pleased for him to be able to end the school year on a high note, a success, and something to look forward to for the start of 8th grade.

1 comment:

kristina said...

More than wonderful---and more than good news! Glad to know the year ended on such a great note.